
This tutorial will explain the training script, how to use it, and particularly how to configure everything needed for the training run.

Note: The following assume you’re running these commands on a machine equipped with a cuda GPU. If you don’t have one (or if you’re using a Mac), you can add --policy.device=cpu (--policy.device=mps respectively). However, be advised that the code executes much slower on cpu.

The training script

LeRobot offers a training script at lerobot/scripts/train.py. At a high level it does the following:

Overview of the configuration system

In the training script, the main function train expects a TrainPipelineConfig object:

# train.py
def train(cfg: TrainPipelineConfig):

You can inspect the TrainPipelineConfig defined in lerobot/configs/train.py (which is heavily commented and meant to be a reference to understand any option)

When running the script, inputs for the command line are parsed thanks to the @parser.wrap() decorator and an instance of this class is automatically generated. Under the hood, this is done with Draccus which is a tool dedicated for this purpose. If you’re familiar with Hydra, Draccus can similarly load configurations from config files (.json, .yaml) and also override their values through command line inputs. Unlike Hydra, these configurations are pre-defined in the code through dataclasses rather than being defined entirely in config files. This allows for more rigorous serialization/deserialization, typing, and to manipulate configuration as objects directly in the code and not as dictionaries or namespaces (which enables nice features in an IDE such as autocomplete, jump-to-def, etc.)

Let’s have a look at a simplified example. Amongst other attributes, the training config has the following attributes:

class TrainPipelineConfig:
    dataset: DatasetConfig
    env: envs.EnvConfig | None = None
    policy: PreTrainedConfig | None = None

in which DatasetConfig for example is defined as such:

class DatasetConfig:
    repo_id: str
    episodes: list[int] | None = None
    video_backend: str = "pyav"

This creates a hierarchical relationship where, for example assuming we have a cfg instance of TrainPipelineConfig, we can access the repo_id value with cfg.dataset.repo_id. From the command line, we can specify this value with using a very similar syntax --dataset.repo_id=repo/id.

By default, every field takes its default value specified in the dataclass. If a field doesn’t have a default value, it needs to be specified either from the command line or from a config file – which path is also given in the command line (more in this below). In the example above, the dataset field doesn’t have a default value which means it must be specified.

Specifying values from the CLI

Let’s say that we want to train Diffusion Policy on the pusht dataset, using the gym_pusht environment for evaluation. The command to do so would look like this:

python lerobot/scripts/train.py \
    --dataset.repo_id=lerobot/pusht \
    --policy.type=diffusion \

Let’s break this down:

Let’s see another example. Let’s say you’ve been training ACT on lerobot/aloha_sim_insertion_human using the gym-aloha environment for evaluation with:

python lerobot/scripts/train.py \
    --policy.type=act \
    --dataset.repo_id=lerobot/aloha_sim_insertion_human \
    --env.type=aloha \

Notice we added --output_dir to explicitly tell where to write outputs from this run (checkpoints, training state, configs etc.). This is not mandatory and if you don’t specify it, a default directory will be created from the current date and time, env.type and policy.type. This will typically look like outputs/train/2025-01-24/16-10-05_aloha_act.

We now want to train a different policy for aloha on another task. We’ll change the dataset and use lerobot/aloha_sim_transfer_cube_human instead. Of course, we also need to change the task of the environment as well to match this other task. Looking at the AlohaEnv config, the task is "AlohaInsertion-v0" by default, which corresponds to the task we trained on in the command above. The gym-aloha environment also has the AlohaTransferCube-v0 task which corresponds to this other task we want to train on. Putting this together, we can train this new policy on this different task using:

python lerobot/scripts/train.py \
    --policy.type=act \
    --dataset.repo_id=lerobot/aloha_sim_transfer_cube_human \
    --env.type=aloha \
    --env.task=AlohaTransferCube-v0 \

Loading from a config file

Now, let’s assume that we want to reproduce the run just above. That run has produced a train_config.json file in its checkpoints, which serializes the TrainPipelineConfig instance it used:

    "dataset": {
        "repo_id": "lerobot/aloha_sim_transfer_cube_human",
        "episodes": null,
    "env": {
        "type": "aloha",
        "task": "AlohaTransferCube-v0",
        "fps": 50,
    "policy": {
        "type": "act",
        "n_obs_steps": 1,

We can then simply load the config values from this file using:

python lerobot/scripts/train.py \
    --config_path=outputs/train/act_aloha_transfer/checkpoints/last/pretrained_model/ \

--config_path is also a special argument which allows to initialize the config from a local config file. It can point to a directory that contains train_config.json or to the config file itself directly.

Similarly to Hydra, we can still override some parameters in the CLI if we want to, e.g.:

python lerobot/scripts/train.py \
    --config_path=outputs/train/act_aloha_transfer/checkpoints/last/pretrained_model/ \

Note: While --output_dir is not required in general, in this case we need to specify it since it will otherwise take the value from the train_config.json (which is outputs/train/act_aloha_transfer). In order to prevent accidental deletion of previous run checkpoints, we raise an error if you’re trying to write in an existing directory. This is not the case when resuming a run, which is what you’ll learn next.

--config_path can also accept the repo_id of a repo on the hub that contains a train_config.json file, e.g. running:

python lerobot/scripts/train.py --config_path=lerobot/diffusion_pusht

will start a training run with the same configuration used for training lerobot/diffusion_pusht

Resume training

Being able to resume a training run is important in case it crashed or aborted for any reason. We’ll demonstrate how to that here.

Let’s reuse the command from the previous run and add a few more options:

python lerobot/scripts/train.py \
    --policy.type=act \
    --dataset.repo_id=lerobot/aloha_sim_transfer_cube_human \
    --env.type=aloha \
    --env.task=AlohaTransferCube-v0 \
    --log_freq=25 \
    --save_freq=100 \

Here we’ve taken care to set up the log frequency and checkpointing frequency to low numbers so we can showcase resumption. You should be able to see some logging and have a first checkpoint within 1 minute (depending on hardware). Wait for the first checkpoint to happen, you should see a line that looks like this in your terminal:

INFO 2025-01-24 16:10:56 ts/train.py:263 Checkpoint policy after step 100

Now let’s simulate a crash by killing the process (hit ctrl+c). We can then simply resume this run from the last checkpoint available with:

python lerobot/scripts/train.py \
    --config_path=outputs/train/run_resumption/checkpoints/last/pretrained_model/ \

You should see from the logging that your training picks up from where it left off.

Another reason for which you might want to resume a run is simply to extend training and add more training steps. The number of training steps is set by the option --steps, which is 100 000 by default. You could double the number of steps of the previous run with:

python lerobot/scripts/train.py \
    --config_path=outputs/train/run_resumption/checkpoints/last/pretrained_model/ \
    --resume=true \

Outputs of a run

In the output directory, there will be a folder called checkpoints with the following structure:

├── 000100  # checkpoint_dir for training step 100
│   ├── pretrained_model/
│   │   ├── config.json  # policy config
│   │   ├── model.safetensors  # policy weights
│   │   └── train_config.json  # train config
│   └── training_state/
│       ├── optimizer_param_groups.json  #  optimizer param groups
│       ├── optimizer_state.safetensors  # optimizer state
│       ├── rng_state.safetensors  # rng states
│       ├── scheduler_state.json  # scheduler state
│       └── training_step.json  # training step
├── 000200
└── last -> 000200  # symlink to the last available checkpoint

Fine-tuning a pre-trained policy

In addition to the features currently in Draccus, we’ve added a special .path argument for the policy, which allows to load a policy as you would with PreTrainedPolicy.from_pretrained(). In that case, path can be a local directory that contains a checkpoint or a repo_id pointing to a pretrained policy on the hub.

For example, we could fine-tune a policy pre-trained on the aloha transfer task on the aloha insertion task. We can achieve this with:

python lerobot/scripts/train.py \
    --policy.path=lerobot/act_aloha_sim_transfer_cube_human \
    --dataset.repo_id=lerobot/aloha_sim_insertion_human \
    --env.type=aloha \

When doing so, keep in mind that the features of the fine-tuning dataset would have to match the input/output features of the pretrained policy.

Typical logs and metrics

When you start the training process, you will first see your full configuration being printed in the terminal. You can check it to make sure that you configured your run correctly. The final configuration will also be saved with the checkpoint.

After that, you will see training log like this one:

INFO 2024-08-14 13:35:12 ts/train.py:192 step:0 smpl:64 ep:1 epch:0.00 loss:1.112 grdn:15.387 lr:2.0e-07 updt_s:1.738 data_s:4.774

or evaluation log:

INFO 2024-08-14 13:38:45 ts/train.py:226 step:100 smpl:6K ep:52 epch:0.25 ∑rwrd:20.693 success:0.0% eval_s:120.266

These logs will also be saved in wandb if wandb.enable is set to true. Here are the meaning of some abbreviations:

Some metrics are useful for initial performance profiling. For example, if you find the current GPU utilization is low via the nvidia-smi command and data_s sometimes is too high, you may need to modify batch size or number of dataloading workers to accelerate dataloading. We also recommend pytorch profiler for detailed performance probing.

In short

We’ll summarize here the main use cases to remember from this tutorial.

Train a policy from scratch – CLI

python lerobot/scripts/train.py \
    --policy.type=act \  # <- select 'act' policy
    --env.type=pusht \  # <- select 'pusht' environment
    --dataset.repo_id=lerobot/pusht  # <- train on this dataset

Train a policy from scratch - config file + CLI

python lerobot/scripts/train.py \
    --config_path=path/to/pretrained_model \  # <- can also be a repo_id
    --policy.n_action_steps=80  # <- you may still override values

Resume/continue a training run

python lerobot/scripts/train.py \
    --config_path=checkpoint/pretrained_model/ \
    --resume=true \
    --steps=200000  # <- you can change some training parameters


python lerobot/scripts/train.py \
    --policy.path=lerobot/act_aloha_sim_transfer_cube_human \  # <- can also be a local path to a checkpoint
    --dataset.repo_id=lerobot/aloha_sim_insertion_human \
    --env.type=aloha \

Now that you know the basics of how to train a policy, you might want to know how to apply this knowledge to actual robots, or how to record your own datasets and train policies on your specific task? If that’s the case, head over to the next tutorial 7_get_started_with_real_robot.md.

Or in the meantime, happy training! 🤗